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Board Members:

President- Theresa Seide

Vice President- Ernest Dickens

Treasurer- La'Tasha Banks

Secretary- Kandace Chapell

Teacher Liaison- Beth Freeman

Bridging the Gap Between Parents, Students, and Teacher

We are proud to say Berry Elementary has an active PTO committee within our school. We strive to get parents involved, assist the staff members, supply our school with what it needs, and make our school the best in Charles County. 

With YOU we can make this happen!

We have listed a few Q&As to help you better understand our PTO!

How Can I Stay in the Know?

We have established an emailing list as well as a Facebook Page, Twitter, and an Instagram to keep our members informed of what is going on or where we might need help. Please sign up for our email list or check us out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

What Can I Do?

 Attend meetings, sign up as a volunteer for an event, make suggestions, offer donations or community connections. Every little bit helps.

What Did PTO Do Last Year?

Last year we organized a trunk or treat, winter festival, valentine’s candy grahams, breakfast with buddies, four fundraisers for the events, purchased breakfast and lunch for the Berry staff before the holidays, assisted with schools S.T.E.AM Night, Read Across America family book night, Talent Show, Paint Night, Field Day, and Teacher Appreciation Week. As you can see, we are trying to make a difference.

When are Meetings Held?

Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of every month from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the school library.

How Can I Volunteer?

Typically, if we have a need for volunteers at events, we will send out a request via SignUp Genius and by email. We will keep you in the know.

Want to help, join, or just know what is going on at Berry? PTO is the best way to do this!

$5 per family Donation to be a member.